
Late classical printing (1701–1800)

At the beginning of the century, Paweł Pater opened a printing house and a school in Gdańsk, where production of types, printing and bookbinding were taught. His book Typis literarum... is a Latin-German textbook covering, among others, casting and printing tools and differentiation of typefaces. In Warsaw, the publishing movement related to the Enlightenment trends of the times of king Stanisław August Poniatowski and the Four-Year Sejm (the printing houses of Gröl, Mitzler de Kolof, Dufour, Bohomolec, Potocki, Mostowski and the musical printing house of Engel) was developing. The pretty prints of Michał Gröl gained a general reputation. The types of Piarist priests and missionaries as well as Podebrański and Zawadzki were created.