Euler Grotesk FA
Artur Frankowski
- c2019
- bWarszawa
- hFonts
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Haultin FA is a typeface inspired by the works of Pierre Haultin – French printer and a punch-cutter. Pierre Haultin (ca. 1510-87), though less famous than his contemporaries Claude Garamont and Robert Granjon, ranks among the best French type designers of the sixteenth century. He developed design of roman type that is more sturdier and economical than other contemporary typefaces. I started my work with a period of research at the Library of the Plantin-Moretus Museum in Antverp where I studied type specimens and books printed by Christophe Plantin with Hautlin’s type. The nature of Haultin FA is lively, reflecting the spirit of the French Renaissance. Its Roman has more verve than later old-style faces like Caslon, and its Italic is elegant and outright, yet remarkably readable.
Styles: 5